Amadeus closes a critical success

Kudos to the cast and crew of Blackbird Theater’s Amadeus for an amazing run!  I am thankful to Wes Driver and Greg Greene for inviting me into the fold on this one.  This was a fun process and I thoroughly enjoyed working with you all!

What the critics said:

“Blackbird Theater hits high notes with its production of Amadeus,” declares Amy Stumpfl in the Tennessean. “Challenging yet rewarding, Blackbird’s Amadeus makes beautiful music on stage. Don’t miss the opportunity to see this rarely produced treasure.”

Evans Donnell of says, ““Goodness is nothing in the furnace of art,” Salieri cynically states during Amadeus. That view doesn’t hold for Blackbird Theater’s current show since there is plenty of goodness – starting but not ending with Russell’s bravura performance – in the cast-and-crew contributions to this fascinating production.”

Martin Brady of the Nashville Scene says, “Execution matches ambition in Blackbird’s triumphant Amadeus.”

Amadeus cast

A closer look at my tavern going character (the one in the white wig and blue vest):

amadeus tavern



